“Fundación's role is to bring to the country innovative technology which has already been tested and that is currently being used successfully elsewhere.”
Following several meetings with executives from Knox D'Arcy, Fundación Chile persuaded them to come to Chile.
"After their first two years here, they had completed projects for 15 companies, achieving spectacular results. Some of these companies include Cemento Melon, Soprole, Celulosa Arauco, Super Pollo and Clinica Las Condes."
A spokesman continued, " Theirs is quality work and is targeted towards management. It does not involve new machinery or technology investment, on the contrary, with the same human resources and assets, they study how to make it more efficient, increasing productivity. The methodology they use is similar to opening an oil well. It is really in-depth work.
They approach the company from the “bottom up”, changing the behaviour through identifying the variables that really define the business, incorporating them into the management information system and training the company's staff in order to improve the decision-making process. They work with employees in management or supervisory positions. This process consists of three stages. First, there is a Preliminary Survey where the business is analysed completely. At the end of this stage a project proposal is made to the company.
The second stage is Project Execution, during which the best proposals are implemented.
The last and final stage is a follow-up where the results are maintained.
Weaknesses in the systems and members of staff are identified and addressed through a training programme. Training in the workplace is combined with formal instruction, working in small groups, without interrupting the company's activities. It is a practical training, focused on the variables that the company deal with. All these efforts are aimed at a profit improvement.”
This article above was printed in "Capacitacion", a monthly review published by the Manufacturers' Promotion Association.